Monday, April 16, 2012

Oakley update... 19 months.

I think it's time that I update this blog a little more often! I just don't EVER get on the computer. I'm always just using my phone. So now that I've found the blogger app on my phone, I'm hoping I get a little better at being on top of blogging. I love looking back and reading what I've wrote in the past. I have always loved doing that with my journals. So here I go. This is my second test run at blogging with this app... The first one failed because I saved it cause I wasn't finished, and when I went back to see if the draft was there it wasn't:(. Well I've learned not to do that.

So, Oakley! She is so grown up it is ridiculous! She is so happy and energetic, most of the time. She definitely has her moments though. She loves to be silly. She loves to run and jump. Being a bunny is one of her favorite things to do. She loves making animal sounds, she knows a pretty long list of them. She loves to count and had now started taking an interest in letters. Every letter to her is an E. she loves to explore and gets in to everything! But she isn't too too messy which is nice. She says everything so cute. I love her little voice. One of my favorite things she says is cereal. She LOVES her cereal. When we ask her what she wants for breakfast lunch or dinner it is always cereal.

She always wants to watch movies. Her favorites right now are Elmo's world despicable me and avatar. I actually haven't really got sick of any of them. She will sit at her table and watch her movie while eating cereal. It is a very cute watching her.

She is the Utah Jazz biggest fan! She loves the Jazz. She saw a Jazz jersey at target and out of no where she said do dazz. We didn't tell her it was a Jazz jersey. Anytime she sees any sporting game on tv she says do dazz. She loves going to the games too!

She has officially been old enough for nursery for a month and a half now but has been in since November since we are the leaders. She is so good with the kids and loves playing and singing time!

She is starting to sing a lot. Yesterday when I was putting her down for a nap she started singing head shoulders knees and toes, really well too.

She loves our families so much. She gets so excited when she sees them. The other day my sister came in to the room while I was putting her down and she started crying when she left.

She's pretty good with naps. She takes one every day but they vary in time. I sure do love those days when they are 3 hours long. That RARELY happens!

We love Oakley so much. She is our favorite little baby and we are so blessed to have her in our lives. She's taught me so much and I am so proud to be her mom! It is crazy how fast 19 months goes by. Soon she will be two! Yay!

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